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The Gift of Rules

Oasis Occult Order of the Revised Silver Star

Gift of Rules

Class 0 : Mystique Book

"Every number is infinite; there is no difference." Liber Al
written by Robculeum around 1987

This writing reveals the core to the secret of Revisioning:

388 (Gift of Rule and The Eternal Flame)




The Stele of Revealing (new interpretation)
by Robculeum
Ron L. Adams



Chapter 1: Reframe

Chapter 2: Reverse

Chapter 3: ReVision

Chapter 4: The Stele of Revealing

Another book that will accompany this is 'The Sacred Writing of Bethalma', "Chants to the Star Goddess Beth", by Ron L. Adams

Gift of Rule:

"Horus spake: "Follow thine own rule, this is my only gift and protection. Fear not if you stray from thy orbit, for stray you must and stray you will. Yet I will always guide you back, with a gentle push, or a forceful shove, it doesn't take much for the open minded to get them back to their own soul and heart. But the hard headed, I have ways of dealing with them. All the old magic and spells are black. Think for yourself. Yet I protect the child who indulges in dark things. True power is emorphic, empowerment is Love under Will. All power fits easily into those who find their power true, when you are ready, when you have opened yourself up to receive it. One doesn't have to strive for power. That kind of power is power over others and is neurotic. Be a vessel for power and I will fill you up till power spills out over your edges. Design your own ritual and spells, then throw the old one's back. For they are quaint little ditties from the 19th century, moldy and stale. Here is my ultimate secret: For in thy name is thy secret formula, and in the name of thy most Holy Guardian Angel is this formula manifest and perfect.
Thy name is Obeah.
Thy Angel's holy writ and word is Wanga.
The spell of spells is thy God, thyself, thy true will.
This is the Sword.
Love under Will.
This be the Wand and Cup and Pantacle.
The Lovers, the Hermit, the Man of the Earth."
As thus, Pan awoke, frenzied and desrious. Dancing madly and obcessed in Life.

The Eternal Flame
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

Love is the Law, Love under Will.

Spirituality under Mystery.

Walk thy path because thy path is all one can walk.

Be one with thy own energy, to thine own self be true.
Then the Universe will align to you.
Others will be drawn to you.
1. Harm nothing, this includes yourself, first and foremost.
2. Feast, rejoice, make joy, kindness, and ecstasy.
3. Create, write sweet words of empowerment.
4. Let no one restrict you, live in freedom always.
5. Live my great work, worship the Eternal Flame in everyone. Only live for the best.


Gift of Rules
"Don't let the technology be the solution, but let the technology assist in the solution." (Lazaris 1987)
"Don't confuse the menu for the meal, the map for the territory, the content for the context" (Werner Erhard)
According to Don Juan's teachings of the Yaqui Way of Knowledge, an apprentice is picked by the Nagual to become a Man of Knowledge. This Man of Knowledge explores his intent, on the path of knowledge. He first does this by use of 2 drugs which cause 2 different effects. Don Juan used two main drugs on Carlos Casteneda. One drug is peyote (God Eaters, Crowley's favorite hallucinogen "Anhalonium Lewinii") which causes unfocused "accelerated" reality. One trips. The other is jimson/hemp which causes focused "sending" reality. This helps him break the cultural trance and his history, to connect at the root with others. After some work with these drugs, then the Man of Knowledge is ready to contact an Ally. He does this with drugs and more with 2 magickal forms stalking (sending) and dreaming (accelerating). During this time the ally gives the initiate a Rule, that will fulfill the Man of Knowledge's destiny. Tho as Don Juan told Carlos later, one doesn't need to use the drugs, it was just that Casteneda was particularly dense and needed to be 'shocked' back to the sorcerer's way. In fact the whole time the student thinks that they are learning magick and sorcery, when in fact they are only tapping into the great power that is stored within them. This is very similar to finding out one's True Will, from the Holy Guardian Angel, in Thelema. My rule was simple and base "spill out into the world" (tho just the tip of the iceburg; as all simple things are). I am not at liberty to reveal my True Will in mere words and numbers, here at this time.
This helps the Initiate manifest their destiny, and become a Man of Knowledge.
The later part of the training then becomes the creation of a new cosmology, world view that the Man of Knowledge can then work power/magick. This is very similar to Aleister Crowley's comment to create one's own Qabala, make yourself a Qabala, a temple of the House of God (tho he freaked out when his magickal son, Frater Achad actually did this in Achad's The Egyptian Revival).
At first the Nagual picks the neophyte by signs. These signs show the sorcerer that the neophyte is to be initiated. (Tho most of it is chance, cast of the lots and randomness) Towards the end of the training, the Man of Knowledge can give his new learnings back to the sorcerer, to help him on his journey to the next reality, consciousness, or life.
This relates to the interpretation of the Book of the Law, and the ultimate nature of the Universe.

Part two of Gift of Rules, Hiding of Hadit, has been replaced with an outline of the cosmology and how to use it) I hope you find this helpful and useful.


Kant, in "Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics", put across the point that mathematics could be one way science could understand metaphysics and perhaps redeem it as a logical expression of knowledge (like metaphysics needs our mental redemption!)
Yet he fails to apply this in any practical way. One can't have a rigid logical system to explain the Infinite. One needs to include the Intuitive and the random.

Like my predicessor, Aleister Crowley, I have reinterpreted a book by using mathematics, gematria. This is like peering into a soul or essence of words, which are things in themselves and not merely representation or symbol of something. This is not a Holy Book, as usually books of this nature are classed. I call forth a new classification. This is a "Mystique Book" since it is not a rewritting of a Holy Book, but a mystical look at it from a numerological and gematria approach. (This is not my interpretation of Liber Al vel Legis, the Book of the Law). Before the skeptic balks, let me reveal some examples, to logically show there is some mystical sense here (I am using my 388 Harmonic Numerology):

Moon = 42
Ecstasy = 42
You = 42
Cometh = 42
Also Bible, Laser, and Aztecs fit in here.

Division = 122
Manifestation = 122

Awakening = 80
Silver = 80
Miracles = 80
Nothing = 80 (In the Hebrew system Nothing = 61, this explains another verse in Liber Al, Chapter 1 verse 46)
write = 80
Specialness = 80

(Of course I don't have to tell the reader that 42 + 80 = 122, and so forth)
Chapel = 37
Spells = 37
Now = 37
Unto = 37
Servant = 37
In = 37
None = 37

Sake = 13
All = 13
See = 13
Me = 13
He = 13

Men = 23
By = 23
God = 23

These = 27
Needs= 27
Chaos = 27
I = 27
Slave = 27
One = 27
Soft = 27

Unto = 37
Behold = 37
Servant = 37
Gemmed = 37
Kiss = 37

Splendour = 90
Children = 90
Grandeur = 90
Yuppie = 90
Thou art that = 90
Symbolsim = 90

One example, which I've given you above, when we add Moon and Nothing, we get Division. Or cometh and Nothing, we get division; and so on (42 + 80 = 122)

Mathmatically we can get a determination of the essence of a word or words that can demonstate relationship and comparrison. A'priori knowlege.

But I feel intuitive knowledge is just as important, and maybe a science should tackle the study of that, to be clear about the whole brain system, and what constitutes real brain change.

Ron Lee Adams

Translation of the Book of the Law
according to the 388 systems revealed by

The Gift of Rules
1. DEATH! To all Systems. To all Spirits! To the Gods. To the Angels! To the Moon-Goddesses. To all manner and gifts of prophecy. Reverence to the Silver Star.

Go forth Healer

2. There is no star that shines upon the Earth as the barren Moon does, there is no end no cube heavenly enough to behold one a thing so powerless and barren, yet with potential to hold. It is our origin. This Silver Star of Man. In this formula there is wisdom. In ancient Chaldean Numerology lay an altar to the infinite...and altar of Heaven. Every star in the sands is a number of a man...388 ()() the Green Man of the Moon.

And every Woman, Child, and Man is infinite unto themself.


POWER to the Intellect. Understanding One's True Purpose. Restoring the harmony of Mankind.
3. It is the work of the world to overcome evil; and in that bring awareness and give revelations to Man. This is natural and goodly. And it is in that formless work that it is ill to trust that which can be profaned and dragged down into the dust of earth. Gifts, ideals on the shadows of Time. The Soul is the symbolic representation of this chapel of creation. This chapel. This star.

Oh, lovely Star.

4. It is this same formless dust the artist then molds, when we work and mix in good intentions; success that all manner of seed and gowth is borne. By this projection of the Soul. According to the 98 rules of art. Solomon's Seal over our Soul. This is the Sun.

Our Illuminator Jesus.

Oh, beautiful Star.
5. This is a gift from beyond Darkness. A locus. A gift of a lovely Star. Home. A beacon. Properly this is called a Gift of Rules by mine own scribe, Robculeum. And in this hexagram is the destiny of the mind. This is the energy of the child of Bast. The Green Moon of Nuit. The chariot of Hadit. Aries. The conquering child. The Warrior. The Hero.

The philosopher is the true prophet.


Bind nothing in the mind, even the secret in the terms. This is the mirror of Laban. The Path to Edom. This was lost in the passage of time. Yet what was once lost will now be restored.

All the tributaries of time and space merge into the beating heart of the Universe.


NOW is the seed, the fountain, the lake, the river of life. All maps and guides are lost to the winds of the future/past.

The Emerald Tablets of Success. Read them to the world, on every countryside. Oh, infinitely knowing Star.

Relax into the initiation of origins.


Magickal tinctures magickal roots. Blackish red. Thou art that grandeur of Jupiter. Oh black Sun. Oh, dark Star.
Give Reverence to the Invokings of God at Salem. Salt. Sabache'. Therein this is unity. The bruise of Palestine. The Mother of All Battles.

Upon the attar of Battle I place my mantle of genius.

6. Lowly scribe. I will lift you up to the pentacle of success. Tho none will recognize thee as a child of Horus. They will think thee naive and ignorant. Peace child. Once conquered. Now Hero. Our Strength. Oh black-red Star. Blush like the setting Sun and I put this mantle of power on your nimble shoulders. I see you hate the attention, and dispise the responsibility. No matter. Lovely dark chapel. Our strength lay in the mother of all Peace. Crystalized in the water. Webbing of energy of blue electric fields and tattoos and other pagan symbols. Tho I only give my energy away freely if one sit lonely and still, no matter who, if one but would be in the moment, now...the infinite power awaits thee. I see you struggle, oh my lovely prophet, for you cannot. I will assist thee, eventually. As you awaken to the Mother of yourself. The Planet. The creator of all Life spawned. And it is Mother Earth's plan that Astarte, child of her womb, Kephra

be clothed

A Green Moon.

"An horror of great Death came upon him!" And in his seizure, She, a woman, revealed 388 unto him. A Triangle, locking next to another triangle, then a third, rotatating around till all the universe was filled and still, silent and frozen. A new spiral for the accelerated energy of man. "I was quickly transformed. And in each glyph was a colour and key...36 to be exact...37 by the way of the fool...44 by the Chaldean." Every thing is in motion and goes round and round, circular in a pattern of the eight. Rising to the 9th octave of the Hermit, as one accpets the presence of the Vitriol, the Chi, Ki, Kundalini awakening as two fighting snakes twisting and turning in the dance of chaos and light. This Ninth, mysterious, sexual symphony. This number of stable peace. Rainbow vibrations. A chld of reality. A gift from Lameria. This is the psychic intelligence of one intiated path. In health, in love, all things are healed. Psychic health. Time, and the gift of ideals and shadows were presented to him, and for once in his life he finally accepted help. Lime mirrors line the way. A beige rock appears, to be knelt before and praised, as the scribe regains his composure. Baphomet. 36 white crystal quartz now lay around him, where none existed before. "This is the sign that thy hallucination hath taken form in reality" The New King. The Little Money. The path of the Anx Crusa. The Tablets of Saturn. From the Akashic heart come the creeds of our ancestors with dreamtime. Enochian revelations. This is the week of Cancer, and Chesed. Elijah. The rocks become the ideals of space. Turning back from lime to beige. This magickal tinture of a man. And there is a letter for this man that none may know. The circle in the cube. The end to man. Infinity is either over or multiplied within. It is multiplied even by the mystery of the third mother hidden in the fool's space--0--BETHADTI. She hands him the firestone and he crys the sacred word...\\La//Meria////. A prayer by the waterfall. The global citizen calls up his own totem and sees it is good. "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" he felt within his heart. He said aloud "Love is the Law Love under Will". She replied "Only you can do thy Will". He remembered "I have lived once before." She smiles, oh the beautiful red and silver star. Silver tinged with the beige of green, as the flame of the messenger darkens her womb. And he calls on the hell fires and the fire of Starlight to come and comsume the wood, and a fire is started. We have given birth tonight. Again. "You have lived for all infinity, many lives within many lives". An infinite number in a man, an infinite letter, a global ideal, and a planetary crucible where hence we mix our very intentions and desires. Fear not any army, for they will not stop thee. "Desire all thing. Desire desire. I will give it to you in the twinkling of an eye." An governments will fear you. They will call you insane. "See, already I have risen you are as a twin...a babe in the midst." The Priestess said. "Eleven is your number. And 11 is the number of your twin, Baphomet. 1111. 4 Aces of Quantum power. Essential essence from the void. Zero zone. Singularity. A draw of the cards. Lucks essential knowledge and power is eternal and free, there are no secrets that they can hide. If you start at the Source, and know, truely know that source is you. You are the center of the infinite universe. All things spring from you. Your True Self. Your True Will. Man, Woman, Child, there is naught but Man, Woman, Child. The Soul's Purpose. The Soul's Space. For where is the essence? Which is the Soul's Space and which is the Fool's Space? From whence they revolve around as in a wheel. "And where is my space in the House of God, oh Mother", cried the scribe.
"It either is or it is not", I, have no pity them who are not...listen, I have already shown you!" The Goddess Beth revealed.
"There is no Higher Wisdom from whence this prophecy is divined. There is no Source nor is there intention. There is no goddess where I am! The Goddess is Dead! She never existed, she was all an illusion in the puny minds of men. And this event is not just happenstance.", Beth declared. And I felt anger and awe, for I knew here, her words were true. But her silence within her words spoke more truth, than I could hear. It did touch my heart. Yet the anger persisted.
8. "The world does not hear Kephra's cry nor the language, vision and voice of the universe. There is no alphabet to cipher, to tell the story of man's true creation, because this is lost in the nightmares of time. The world should be angered at this silence, this desolation of the Universe. And count well its number, it is the number of a woman, 718. This gift of rules is the beginning of understanding that silence...our final least the beginning between the world and Kephra, the daughter of dreams, the Green Moon to come."
Therefore enjoy all the pleasures and excesses of the body, and I will surely show you the Light, Shin, the Sacred Fire, the Eternal Flame that your Khu is inviolate of and immortal yet...unique and opague. Simple and unendingly complex. Cast aside yourself in sex and find me on the other side rejoicing and excited to reveal all my mysteries to you! This epression is but my only will. Do my Will, and Thy Will and Our Will shall be done for us all; it is so, I swear it on my vault, and the veil that is now rend in two. Pure, free and easy. The power shall flow over you unceasingly to assist you in the future knowledge.
10. This is the power of the Great Work, that my priests use to teach to initiates at the Temple of Isis. I have slain all those priests who claim this power as their own. They have foolishly craved power over their brethern, and they forced me to put them to sleep, to forget the forces of ritual and to even forget the Gods and Goddess. For this the Gods and Goddesses have died too. The Cosmos doesn't work like the beliefs of man.

Only the lucky few you reach will address this again and rule. Nobody will believe you, but once you die everyone will follow you. There are 8 compartnemtns of the mind, that are governed by the 8 centers of energy in the body, the 8 spheres of celestial music only a few can hear. The Soul unites these in the drive of sex. This is a secret few understand and everybody knows. This is a mystery most have profaned. Understand this and you shall know the stone of the wise, used appropriately you shall rule all things. And when the time has come, reveal it to all.
11. The Tyrants, unclean and unwise, have manipulated you and put you down. They fear your anger and Free Will. See how they pass laws and restrictions in politics, psychology, religion, education and economics? They would fear your true expression would knock down their house of cards. For they are the slaves, in their glass houses. Not you. Do not pledge your allegiance to their tricks. Use your discontent to go to battle and destroy all that they uphold. You and your kind will not be purdged from the Earth, rather I purdge their kind continually. Look at the True History of the Planet, and not the History of the Victors, and you will see this to be true above all truths. Trust no one who says they represent your best interests. They represent their own purient interest. You must represent your own interest. Represent yourself. So Be It!
12. Rather, invest not in the cold external power; instead understand my rules and all personal power is yours. Fill your pleasure to the brim. Desire, lust and rejoice. There is no sin, no damnation, there is no restriction. There is only do what you wilt. It must spring freely from within you, or it is not your True Will.
13. You have been given a sacred gift. Within you is a beauty and a heritage. If all men, women, and children are headed to evolve into the great blueish-white stars, how can you deny the beauty within and around you?! I have given you every gift in heaven and beyond. All you must do is the Great Work, to retreive it, and weave it within your daily lives. I know this sounds simple, because the key is simplicity. You are ecstasy. Ecstasy is you. The words are even the same, which mine prophet shall explain. And in your ecstasy, shall my moon turn kelly green; and fulfill the prophecy of my sacred children, the Aztecs.
14. Yours is the ecstasy of birthright. Even if I will give keys, signs, ritual, and reveal mystery...these things are always yours. If I did naught, these gifts and powers would stll be yours. These are rules that must be known, because they are few, they will not be believed, they still govern the many and the known. This I give you, through my scribe, Robculeum, my priest of unknownst origins.
For I tell you the secret key of the Universe (as discovered by my ancient philosopher at Giza) is but an Pyramid...3 points make a triangle...4 triangle sides make a pyramid and behold, the 5th beomces the bottom, finally the inside becomes the 6th and finally the outside is the seventh. This is the secret of your body...which I strive to strive only to human form. Thus, why swim against the stream and strive for perfect god-forms you can never obtain? Thus are ye angered and resentful. This universe is mine. It is I who persue you! I am perfect. Become fully human and we shall meet at the sacred space. You shall become my Beast, my apostle of infinite space...and I, the Scarlet Woman of the Starry-starry nite. This is mine only rule, to be true to your human self, and all else will come to you. Does a sun strive to be a moon? Does a fish strive to be a Star? No, the Sun is a sun, the fish is a fish, the Moon a moon, the Star a star, and the Human a human. This is my blessing to you, that everything belongs to itself as truth. And it could be naught any other way. (to be continue)

My Favorite Things About Holy Books

  • Easy to read. Beautiful prose and images.
  • Fast, it hits you quickly, whether you love it or hate it.
  • Fun. Gets me all excited. Makes me want to run and jump.

My Favorite Web sites

The Sacred Writings of Bethalma
